Time Your Investment Decisions Better
Would you rather wait, or know Now?
Fundamental PMs/Analysts
Reduce your risk of being wrong on earnings. Let IntraCast guide you towards companies likely to beat/miss consensus. And dig into why.
Systematic PMs
Add to your performance. Incorporate IntraCast – company estimates of revenue beats/misses.
Risk Managers
Check for downside risk in your portfolio. Assess portfolio impact from rapid regional economic fluctuations using IntraCast.
Consensus is often wrong. We can do much better.
Wall Street research relies too much on company guidance, and fails to capture the rapid changes in the global economy.
Real-time data = Better estimates = Better returns.
The continuous flow of world’s data provides an information edge, yielding rapid adjustments to our data-driven company estimates, and better investment timing decisions.
Credible Experience.
We bring a 15-year journey to understanding traditional and alternative data, macro and company Nowcasting, and Wall Street research. Coupled with 65%+ hit rates for our estimates.
Why should you believe?
We Take Pride in Our Numbers
US industrial companies
US Industrials names and growing.
Company Segments
Company segments modeled to arrive at overall estimates
Hit Rates
Historical hit rate for being on the right side of consensus
Industry Indexes
Indexes that represent real-time growth for key regional industries used in our models
Input Variables
Macro, industry, and company data series from across the globe.